Forwarding Address

There is terror here. That is the story here. The truth is terrorizing. There is no rest or solace or plainness. There is just terror and scandal.

Scandal. Yes there is much scandal. And the scandal is borne of boredom. Because honestly, cruelty is not a crime. Boredom is. Not quiet. Quiet is not boring. Also, not quiet all the time. But simple sound, compartmenalized and labelled, color coded and all.

Ultimately, this is code for picking up the pieces and shipping them off to another address to be put back together in another location. The original location has become a pollutant. The environment itself is a pollutant, maybe carcinogenic even, to the elements of this person.

Therefore, I have mailed my heart, soul, mind, hands, eyes, feet, gut, goals, dreams, voicebox, ears, sadness, joy, idiosyncracies, humanity, social security number, dignity, contradictions, flaws, hopes, fears, hair, nails, anger, desperation, obsessive compulsivity, stomach, laughter, tears, lies, shoes, crimes, humor, intellect, nail polish, and my name to:

2008 Welcome Street, Start.Over, VA, 03130, USA.