We used to play this song at parties all the time. And not matter the turmoil, I always sang along with vigor.
This is our Krio. Amen.
Sing a Song
Come to My Window
Switch Lanes

...I won't ask for much this Christmas / I won't even ask for snow / I'm just gonna keep on waiting / underneath the mistletoe...make my wish come true / baby all I want for Christmas is yooouuu...
Merry Christmas. Or Happy Holidays.
I am having a wonderful time with family in Northern Virginia. I've been here visiting for the break for almost two weeks now. There is a lot of life here. My cousins and my aunt are so energetic and funny.
We talk loud, eat a lot, make a mess, insult each other jokingly, and sleep late everyday.
The house is warm and the televisions and game systems are plenty. And the merriment makes the walls all glow and we're all brighter for it.
Yesterday night we had a Christmas Eve dinner and had a pseudo-party as we cooked. We brought a CD player down and acted a fool to old and new dance songs from back Home. I haven't been able to have such moments with family and it felt so nice. I felt kind of human...and loved maybe.
We have been wrapping gifts for the past couple of days and have stuffed them under our small tree. There were 13 of us in the house for Christmas and about three times as many gifts under the tree. Although I argued that we would be ruining tradition if we didn't wait until we woke up to open our gifts, they were definitely unwrapping at 12:01am.
It's a wonderful Christmas. My younger cousins aren't so young anymore and they all have jobs and bought gifts this year. They are all such sweet, generous, considerate people, very different from the children I had to wait on hand and foot a few years ago.
We're all just happy, even if it's just for these few days. And I don't know if Christmas does really have magic about it, if it's all the food and drink, or if it's the media telling us to be happy during this season, but whatever it is, I love this season.
I love how kind people are to each other, how considerate, how selfless people are. This is how I wish the world could be all year round.
I don't think highly of my fellow human being to be honest. I think that we are a selfish bunch. We care about ourselves and possibly the few around us. We let party lines, religion, racial lines, culture, etc. to divide and categorize us such that we are evil to one another.
But during this time of year, the animosity seems to subside a little bit. We extend a loving hand that is rather paralyzed during other times of the year.
I read an article on CNN's website about another family facing foreclosure after some mess had occurred earlier in the year with illness and a jobloss. A friend put their story on her blog and set up an account so that people could make donations.
In under 2 weeks, the blog had raised over $11,000. How amazing is that? The really amazing part are the people who donated. They were people who had also lost their homes, had cars repossessed, lost jobs and the ilk.
This is a sad Christmas for a lot of people and I'm glad that despite it, people are able to preserve the spirit of the season and think of people above themselves. Go team human race. Maybe I underestimate us.
Gold State Politics
...when you see me in the street / homey, you don't know me...
I am ashamed of myself. I spent several hours of my day on a blog that is exclusively about "hating" on Beyonce. It was hilarious. Click here to go to the blog.
I read many of the entries and skimmed the others. I even read some of the comments by readers. It is such an involved blog. I want to put it on the list of blogs I follow but I feel bad because I do like Beyonce. I'm not a ridiculous fanatic, but I gets down with her music and her style (her acting, not so much).
But, I love celebrityism and gossip and all that. Bossip, MediaTakeOut, and Young, Black, and Fabulous are all great gossip blogs in the different ways and I sure do follow them to nourish my celebrity obsessed, idle, fantacizing side.
But I have never seen such an extreme thing as this blog. It has the fervor of a political movement and it's just about hating on Beyonce.
It got me thinking about celebrity culture. I love it and I hate it. I just don't understand how celebrity became such a lucrative institution. I am upset with the level of wealth of the people considering the level of poverty most of the world suffers from. I do understand that there will always be a discrepancy in earnings but it shouldn't be so ridiculous and right now, I think it is ridiculous. However, that is another entry in and of itself.
And it has taken over our culture. Celebrities are the news for the most part and it is becoming easier and easier to become a celebrity given the internet and 24 hour news. I wonder if there are any people in the world who don't want to be famous, even for something good. Even if I do something amazing with my life (which I hope I do), I'd rather not be famous. I just hope I do something for the good of humanity and go about my business.
Additionally, should I become ridiculously weathly, I'm taking all my family back to Sierra Leone so they never have to work again (aunties, uncles, cousins, and any friends that want to go) and then I will begin a campaign to get rid of all my money that I can before they put me six feet under by helping to rebuild Sierra Leone and ultimately the whole world.
30th Century Man
...homey, I'm the president, governor, and mayor / I control everything

I went on a date yesterday evening and it went very well. Believe it or not, it was only the second real date I have had in my life. I have been out with gentlemen before, of course, but typically with gentlemen I am already somehow entangled with. The date did not begin the "courtship" (because if I told you what was really going on in these other entanglements, you'd realize I'm sort of a fool).
I met the gentleman on whom I went on this date at a club performance. It was the American debut of a Sierra Leonean artist (Vida, who did not do well) and fellow Sierra Leoneans and other Africans came to support her.
Dented Armor
The state in which you found me.
I was battered and bruised
and zoned out and in u zoned.
On broken.
The answers I didn't have,you had.
The self loathing thoughts I
punished myself with,
you took my rights to and
at times you set me free
The new growth my healing brought,
you believed in almost as hard as i believed in it.
It was too good to be true.
Then I found true not at all to be you.
After copping your emotional field,
you've become another dent in my shield.
Tap Water
Sa Lone Krio
Fitting Accidents
...so, so what / I'm still a rock star / I got my rock moves / and I don't need you...
Amy [Winehouse] has this song, "Back to Black" whichis kind of the place I am always returning to. I feel as though I awaken everyday to give it a try although I am consistently disappointed.
At this stage, it feels like I awaken just to have the comfort of Black. Someone did the cliche thing of "breaking my heart" again. And I don't mean it in the metaphorical sense. I really feel, sometimes that something, most likely my heart, is really broken.
I keep too many secrets, primarily because when shared, they come back to haunt me. I told someone all my secrets, all my passwords, all my pandemonium, all my embarrassing idiosyncrasies and he blew my cover.
I thought, for a little bit, that I was possibly worthy of having good people in my life who loved me and would help and protect me. He made me think that was possible.
But skip all that sappy business. The bottom line now is I am pissed, infuriated, livid, red with rage, and all that. Not that I am blameless because I allowed my naivete to guide me despite the fact that I know I can be naive, especially about people. Other friends warned me but I always had a response, a defense ready that quieted them, even just temporarily. I did more than that, but he can write that blog if he wants.
I learned the hard way instead. He broke all of my confidences and meddled in my family life in a way that he never should have. He reinforced the mistrust, cynicism, and fear I already had for people. And it made me feel inadequate all over again.
The letters in someone else's name, logging into my shit, the mean emails and messages addressed to hurt my feelings, scouting for my number, telling people my business, and whatever other shit I may not be aware of is just the basement of the problem. The problem is the awesome skyscraper I have built to distract everyone from the crumbling city it is surrounded by. I will never show my damage or my vulnerability again.
But like an invaded country, I wear the scars, suffer the broken infrastructure, the casualties in the street, the debris, and all the signs of invasion, while he and his troops walk away, a little bruised, but back to a home that is intact as mine is burning to the ground. I feel like he gets to return to his life while I struggle to live mine.
So he lost a good friend. So what? I lost the progress in a relationship with the woman who made me. I cannot "quit" my mother. I have to deal with this ravaged country that is our relationship no matter how inhabitable it is.
And as if to add insult to injury, I get correspondence asking about how I am doing. Do you really care? I have to say I don't think so. Guilt and a search for forgiveness are possibly bigger motivators than your genuine interest in how I may be doing.
For I am not doing well. I am not doing anything. All the things I was ashamed of myself for are now common knowledge, but continue to go unacknowledged. I still feel ashamed. I never really forgave myself for the things I did that I told you in confidence, but you somehow felt it appropriate to share them with others, whose opinions really matter to me, whose approval I really need, simply to embarrass me, not to help me.
Yesterday came the text messages (when he shouldn't even have my number). And although I thought it a good idea to call and ask for a cessation of correspondence and say my piece, I didn't really feel any better afterwards. I cried so bitterly (again) to the girls because no matter how much time passes, I just don't understand how things went so wrong. I am mad at what was done but I blame myself, instinctively.
Simultaneously, I don't understand what I did that was so bad to deserve such a thing. I try to be a good person because I've had a crappy life and I don't want anyone to live as I have. But maybe I didn't do such a good job. Maybe I didn't show the love I said I felt. Maybe I'm just not a good person. I don't know.
But leave me alone, whatever you do sir, because it isn't fair that you pop up in my life whenever you want and make me relive the whole thing again. Things are no better. I am still angry and I still hate you. I'm sorry to hold a grudge but I ain't that good of a Christian. So to answer your question: No, life is not treating me alright.
Girl You Are Rich, Even with Nothing
...I'm a player / girl I thought you knew / when you started messin' around with me/ you knew I wouldn't commit to you / cuz I'm a player...
Thanksgiving Day has passed. I spent it here in Houston, Texas with people I barely know.
I sense that my Mom thinks I skip out on the family because I don't like them. At least, that is what is communicated to me by my aunts and uncles that talk to me about the way my mother perceives me.
I love them. There is no place in the world I would rather be than home, even in these times of awkward tension.
I did not call them on Thanksgiving Day. I felt bad for not being at home. Simultaneously, holidays don't hold any significance for me because I feel like a nomad. A nomad with no family.
I feel as though lonely nomads of thousands of years ago probably died earlier than their accompanied peers.
I am going to my parents' house in a week. My Daddy is traveling home so I will be hanging out with darling Lima. I can't imagine how my Mom and I are going to get along. I know we won't fight or anything because I don't do that with her anymore. I wonder if she will talk to me at all. I wonder if I will be able to resist staying out of her way.
Something tells me that she doesn't really want me there but she has no choice. I'm the best person imagineable who could tend to Lima so meticulously. I must stay out of her way. I don't want to anger her or annoy her.
I also can't hope for a miracle while I am at home. The heart in my mind wants me to hope that having to see me everyday for two weeks will weaken her resolve to be mad at me or forget me (or whatever she is doing). But the mind in my heart is trying to let me know that I am being ridiculous and I am underestimating the strength of my Mom's will and the depth of her frustration.
I don't need to move back in. I wouldn't mind but I don't have to.
When I was younger and people would tell me that they could make themselves cry, I didn't understand. I was under the impression that one could only cry when in pain. And I was one of the happiest children so I could never "cry on demand".
I can do that very well now. And it isn't just "crying on demand". I actually have things to cry about that I conceal until the appropriate time.
It's usually about my Mama. I can be sitting in the happiest of moments but if I think about my Mama, I can easily, easily cry. That is what I want for her to know. That I'm not a selfish child, I just had to grow up. The more heartbreaking thing about growing up and changing is realizing how horrible you used to be. The most heartbreaking thing is not being able to show the person who matters the most how much better you are. Sorry Mom.
Should I Go
...I see you out the corner / Corner of my eye...
I think I might be standing at the edge of my life, literally. I feel as though my life is this distance I have to walk. But it's made complicated by the directions I choose to go. There is no one walking with me. Everyone walks on his or her own. There are "meeting places." These are places that we all have to come to at certain times and that's where we discuss, criticize, argue, consult, inform, advise, form teams, etc.
I skipped several meeting places. I walked slowly and by the time I arrived, there wasn't anyone of interest to me to meet.
That was my mistake. So now, the sumtotal of my wrong turns and skipped meeting places is this edge here. I can turn around anytime and continue walking and make more left turns and less righteous turns.
Or I can take another step, a gamble. I could fall to my death or I could spend the rest of my time falling in love with my life. Should I go or should I stay? I'm in control either way.
...I gotta dream big / cuz when it happens / it's gon happen real quick...only get one chance...
I read an article on the http://www.nytimes.com/ in the health section that was rather disheartening. It was about filial law. Filial law, for a little while, hasn't been a real topic of concern in our culture. The government stepped in to introduce programs that alleviate the financial burden of aging, such as the Social Security program and Medicare, which functions under the idea of citizens paying into the system.
But healthcare is more expensive, drugs are more expensive, people work too much to keep their aging parents in their home, and the population of the elderly is growing quickly and their needs are exorbitant. Long-term care insurance (didn't know that existed) is apparently also insufficient in what it covers and leaves many paying out of pocket or going to government operated nursing homes (gross).
The writer of the article is discussing the last months of her mother's life and the daunting task it was to get her to qualify for Medicaid, which is not a program people pay into but an entitlement should you not be able to provide for your health coverage via working or out of pocket. Her mother's nursing home cost $14,000 a month. What kind of mess is that?
The article explains this situation in much greater depth than I am able, but I had to write down all that the article made me think of. First of all, I don't want to be an adult. It sucks and I don't understand why adults aren't warning kids not to grow up. There should PSAs everywhere about growing up and having responsibilities. I feel ill-informed and insufficient for my adult years.
Secondly, I don't know how I feel about filial laws. Legally compelling children to take care of their elderly parents seems risque. It would be a noble, loving thing to do if you are able, but legal compulsion seems drastic, messy, unfair, and undemocratic. I hope that I am able and that my parents will allow me to take care of them in their old age. Despite the tumult of our relationship, I love them dearly and have grown up to see how hard they worked for my siblings and I, how much they sacrificed, how much they continue to endure.
But my parents are from Sierra Leone and want to return to Sierra Leone. It won't be difficult to provide for them back home. Everything is much cheaper. Provided that they are in relatively good health, my parents will be very comfortable while in Sierra Leone. The entitlements of their retirement will go much farther while living in Africa than in America. I will also heavily subsidize their lifestyle when they are ready to return home. I would send them back now if I could.
Nonetheless, I worry. What are people supposed to do about their parents? I fathom that people want to help their parents, have them live comfortably as they inch closer to the grave and die with dignity. But looking around, life is hard. How are people supposed to be able to do that given the cost of living? I feel as though the idealogy of this country are cracked in too many places and there is about to be a complete implosion.
Freetown, stand up...
If you'd like to read the article:
http://newoldage.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/20/unenforced-filial-responsibility-laws/?hpPitter Patter
...Un pour tous et tous pour un...
Why we even have wars, I cannot understand. In all the history I have taken, no war has ever seemed just or necessary or the best/only option.
War seems to be a hyperbolic manifestation of compromised human ego and declaration of economic or poliltical superiority.
I hesitate to include WWI and WWII in this categorization, but in the most rudimentary of analyses, they both do fit into the aforementioned description. Granted, on a more sophisticated and complicated level, WWI and WWII were more about world preservation than ego tripping, but there is something unnerving about what happened in the world during and because of these two wars
Nonetheless, these wars that we all learn about or discuss, agree with or criticize, were fought by real human beings, real people, some who lost their lives, some who lost their minds, and some who came back generally incomplete. These are real people.
Yet we discuss them and live our lives as if they are just concepts, as if they were intangible, as if they were not real. But they are and they suffer. They risk their lives for the freedoms of the country and they return to a system that is slow and sometimes totally unhelpful. They are homeless, they cannot get complete healthcare, they lose their jobs, and they are lost in paperwork and apathy.
How is this possible? Of course, there are those who throw their lives away no matter what help they are given, as is true with any group of people in any system, but the system is also insufficient.
I do not think that the United States of America means to ignore the needs of, mistreat, or take for granted the veterans and their sacrifice. I think that the problems of veterans are a product of the general individualistic culture Americans subscribe to. This country, with all its rights, qualities, justices, beauties, and fairness is also a country that does not encourage community the way others around the world do. Maybe because we are so rich, we do not need the close interconnectedness of communities in other countries (because even the poorest of this nation are better off than those in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and everywhere else really).But I think it is the biggest failure of American culture. We ignore one another. We do not care about one another. When a group needs help, we label it the new red label, "socialism". But what the hell is wrong with socialism? Socialism does not mean unending help for nothing. It is supposed to help people maintain while they strengthen in order to provide for themselves. What is wrong with that? That's a different blog altogether.
If you don't want to take care of the poor, the teenaged moms, the sick, or the disabled, please at least take care of those who fight to give you the right to complain about who you do and don't want your tax dollars spent on.

...ooman is the greatest ting dat eva put pon the land...
The PJs is my new jawn on television. It is a stop motion show that ran on what was then known as the WB from Januray of 1999 to May of 2001. During the show's tenure, I don't think I was that into it but I have rediscovered in the last few weeks.
It follows the superintendent of a urban development building filled with Black people and immigrants primarily from the US's neighboring islands like Cuba and Jamaica.
There is a character that represents many groups in poor, urban communities, including crackheads. It jovially discusses the tragedies of urban life in its humor. It has the bittersweet quality of a functional communities, friends amongst neighbors, juxtposed against the dreariness that is the life of the poor.
The PJs has a lightness and a simultaneous depth in every punch line, situation, and character. I don't know if the humor is exclusive to poor people of color, as I am not White. But growing up in the culture I have, I wonder if White people get it, especially economically fortuante White people. I wonder if the humor and the tragedy are balanced or if they only see the misery of poverty.
I think it was Sonia Sanchez who wrote a poem about how defining "they" make poverty to be. She explained that they poverty of her beginning does not qualify the success of her later. She happened to be poor economically, but that does not mean her life was lacking in more meaningful ways. I think that is forgotten about the poor.
Michael Eric Dyson (my intellectual lover and these blogs possibly being our love child?) likes to argue that America has entered a stage in which the poor are blamed for being poor. His most poignant point is that despite their station in our economic hierarchy, they are people with dignity, with pride, with heart, with happiness, whole lives, and with potential but missing the opportunity and the resources.
So, I am struggling to remember that despite my mess in life, I am a whole person, with potential . Plus, The PJs is just funny as all hell.
Little Darlin'

Yesterday I travelled to my third world democracy: the parentals. My Dad has been asking for me to come over and discuss some suggestions he had about my life.
Keep Me Where the Light Is
...gravity...is working against me...
I keep doing stupid things. I keep calling him or emailing him or rehearsing a phone call or mentally writing an email. I keep messing up. I keep dragging it on.
I told him that I'm not trying to drag this on. My actions indicate otherwise.
I'm not trying to drag this on. I'm trying to walk away; trying not to make us the end of me. But I keep doing stupid things.
I keep crying; like a bitch. I reprimand myself for crying and then I cry because I reprimanded myself. And then the songs on my iTunes start arguing. Lyfe Jennings hands me a tissue and tells me my tears are cathartic. He says God is counting my tears and will replenish my spent energy with happiness.
Toni Braxton hugs me and says I must let it go. I must let him go. She says that all of him Will escape in my water.
R. Kelly croons that I am sinking to rise no more. And as the cold tears gather around me, I realize I am losing the energy to swim. I'm not going to make it.
Mary J. Blige stays up late with me every night. We cry and scream, cuss and shout, sleep and get some peace of mind, and sit in silence while I go down and pretend not to cry.
John Mayer tells me about myself; calls me out; blows away my smokescreen of lies and sets up the most unforgiving mirror. I get angry and I change the song, but his words are intrusive and relentless.
Lauryn says that love is just like water: replenishing and deadly like shit.
Mariah doesn't do a damn thing but put on her tragedy and make me cry. Then when I begin to reprimand myself, she pushes Jazmine Sullivan on the stage.
Jazmine don't do nothing but tell the truth and spell G-o-s-p-e-l. I am sad when she sings but I dare not cry. I feel like she can hear me and will reprimand me before I can reach for the tissue box that is already soaked from the water I have caught in my hands.
You're Lucky That's All I Did
I didn't wanna but I took my turn
Emotional Diplomacy
...when you want it so bad...say oh oh oh oh...
So again, I have arrived in negotiation territory, and to be honest, I do not trust my own bargaining skills. For one, I can be, at times, wholly unrealistic. And two, I can be, at times, tragically pessimistic.
The juxtaposition of those two attitudes can sometimes make it impossible for the negotiation enzymes to fit in my life and do their job in making my life better (biological analogies might be my favorite thing to do with my writing).
Nonetheless, I make my offers, good or bad, always walking away feeling good until the deal does not hold up and I am left short or overwhelmed. Rarely, since puberty, has the negotiation of my happiness been close to what I was hoping for, but, be it resilience or ignorance, I still resort to the same negotiation table after less than satisfactory records.
Romantic happiness has been the most elusive, influenced by the ways in which I am damaged and my failed negotiations in other departments of happiness. For example, I am very unhappy with myself and present a lackluster product (broken me) and expect consumers to be satisfied. The disconnect is obvious but the solution is less easily seen.
But no matter what goes wrong, if it is/was my fault or his fault, whether or not I am sure I am ready to even begin negotiations again, or whatever other factors there are to be considered, when the situation presents itself, I am already drawing up contracts of expectation and documents of hope. And, I do so as if I haven't been hurt or as if the hurt did not matter.
But in those moments I was in the worst of pain, I felt as though I would never recover, and somehow, without my conscious effort even, I am reconciled and ready to try again.
My last negotiation fell apart because I was with someone who only wanted to fix me so that I could be good enough for him. There is obviously an inherent problem with that deal because ultimately I am not being "fixed" but being repaired to the standards of someone else. If I were indeed "fixed" to those foreign standards, I would still be broken to myself. I still would not like myself and I would still be unhappy. Consequently, so would the relationship with the person whose standards are being used to "fix" me.
Now, the negotiation is only with myself. I do not expect anything from him other than to listen and respond the way he feels appropriate. I will tell him when and how far I will go and I will even allow myself to be pushed a couple of inches, but I will have final say in the ending destination. In other words, I'm just going to let it flow and say if I can or cannot do something.
And if this doesn't work, I'm lynchin' this fool.
The Way You Make Me Feel
...he's been through some things and I'm thinkin' he could really use a friend / in my mind...
Clearly, this is a rather racist advertisement (and it is a real American Apparel advertisement). Aside from the fact that it is racist though, it is striking, just aesthetically.
But...what the hell?
Who's idea was this and what is the point of it? What are they advertising exactly? I know that clothes are being advertised but the advertisement has to have the ability to connect the image to the product and make it relevant to the consumer's life. I don't feel like this advertisement is doing any of those things.
Still, while I am mad about the racist content I am stunned, a little, by how beautiful this is. That is a little disturbing that I am offended and mesmerized at the same time.
And who let their daughter pose for this? I assume they must not have noticed the racist overtones bleeding from the page. At least, so I hope, otherwise the tragedy is doubled in size.
I found this image looking for something about Black people in the media for an entry on my other blog and I had to use it. But it was so amazing that I had to comment on it separately. It is rather unbelievable that this is an advertisement is of the 21st century, because I thought racism was extinct. Just kidding.
September 12th
I like using this small font. I don't know why exactly but it is much more aesthetic to me. The blog entries I write tend to be rather long and somehow a smaller font seems to consolidate the chaos.
Today is the day after September 11th and I was trying to remember what I was doing, what I noticed, what was going on around me on September 12, 2001. I was 14 at the time and the only thing I can really recall is that my Mom did not want us to tell people that we were Muslim and she would not let us go outside. That was annoying but having grown up, I realize what she was trying to do and I understand.
I remember it took a while before school went back to normal and freshman year of high school ended up being the longest year of my high school career for some reason.
I thought it was interesting that although I forgot that it was the seventh anniversary of the attacks, my blog entry on this particular blog was about planes (be they paper) and democracy (about home life). I didn't mean for that to happen, but once I realized that it was 9/11, it struck me as an unconscious attempt to remind myself. Read Magic Woman if you want to know what I currently think about the whole anniversary, consequent war, and all that.
Third World Democracy
The parentals make me feel as though I am crazy, and really, I am. Despite being the victim of my own insanity, I still want my parents approval. I only denied that to myself for a brief moment, years ago.
I thought I was above pining for their approval, but no one is. No one is above pining for approval, period. The audience from whom you seek your approval may be different from the next person's, but the fact remains that you want to be accepted, you and all your bullshit.
So, to the idiots that think I don't know that I want my parents' approval, shut up. I know. Christina and I discussed this last night on my super dope phone and it kind of pissed me off. I don't understand how that is a reason for spilling all my business. But, such is life.
And on the subject of life, I still haven't been able to write that letter to my Old Lady. I have outlines and notes, but nothing cohesive. I just feel like nothing I write is good enough, clear enough, genuine enough, calculated enough, gentle enough to counteract the stupidity of another author. F. man, f. So with each wasted page, I sit and practice making paper planes, throw them around the room and pretend I am on them going to different vacation spots.
Brittany laughs at me and Christina fusses me out via text. No one else could control me like these heffahs. The truth hurts and they pack a punch, but they are right and all our personalities are too strong to back down, so a compromise is always made, which is good. I fix my life, and they get to keep me in theirs.
No one on the corner has swagger like us.
(MIA has been awesome for the past 4 years and I'm upset everyone else is picking up on me and Ravi's girl, because we loved her first, quiet as it's kept. Please believe me.)
Karmic Responsibility
This song doesn't apply to me, but it does something to a person that tricks you into thinking that it is somehow relevant to you. And if it is only a little bit true, that makes it all the more convincing.
Especially when she gets to apologizing in the song; it's so heavy and so dramatic, you forgive her even though she's not really talking to you.
And forgiveness is a funny, funny thing. It's fleeting and evasive but always around somewhere, almost as if to tease you.
I feel like I'm being teased. At times, I see it clearly and I forgive and I feel fine. I feel unburdened because anger is a heavy load to bear. Then at other times, when I am giving the solace of my own company, I feel just as bitter and even try to tell myself that I am entitled to my anger.
And I am entitled to it. I am entitled to feeling angry and betrayed but I am not entitled to keep malice on my mind such that I wish bad things for other people.
I am hard of forgiving like folks are hard of hearing. I almost can't do it at all. But I have learned from some people that forgiveness doesn't mean you forget or you are ever fully repaired or you forget how it hurt. It means you let it go. You don't add it to the tally of things done against you in life.
It's hard though because being bitter does taste sweet. But it ain't right.
Flaws & All, Part 4
The last consolation prize I can think of right now is I can get rid of the people who don't agree with that. I can walk away, at any time, from anyone whose help is not actually helpful. I might be damaged, but I'm not irreparable. I might be going down the wrong path, but I can turn around at any time. God does not believe anyone is hopeless.
I was however, angry with God. I feel as though each time I am about to do the "right" thing, I am somehow sabotaged. It was time to tell my mother. It has taken me a year to face the shame and guilt I caused and cause myself and I finally felt it was time to tell her. God knew I was thinking to do it and wanted to.
And I feel as though He should have blocked anyone else from doing it for me. It was important that she hear it from me and in the way I wanted to tell her. I know her. She is the woman who's approval I have pined for my entire life and I knew that news like that is devastating. I imagined the disappointed of hearing such a thing about one's only daughter.
And my poor Daddy. Our relationship has been rocky of late anyway. His frustration has turned into anger and now, I am sure, disappointment or even alarm.
But she needs to know...from me. In a calculated, sensitive, and gentle way, not from a note, a callus list she was never intended to see. Not from a piece of paper that was my personal thinking and mapping, meant to help give ME courage to say it the right way.
My Christina says to tell her anyway; to carry on just as I had planned because God is simply testing how serious I am about improving this existence of mine. And I am serious. I will tell her in the same sensitive and careful way as if she did not know already.
Because ultimately, I can never abandon my mother. For all her missteps, I have matched them, and she has done what she knows how to do. She will always be my mother, but I don't ever have to see him again. So hate on me...
And when a person tells who they are, believe them, all they say and do.
Flaws & All, Part 3
My solace comes from a knowledge that fundamentally, I am a good person. My Christina reminded me that with all my bad decisions, my secrecy, my deceit, etc., never has she known a person to do so much for people without hesitation or invitation.
No matter what I do wrong, I can choose to do things right. That is one of my consolation prizes. Another is that there are people who love me no matter what, bullshit and all, and will not dangle my imperfections over my head in order to reign me in, in order to compel me to be and behave the way they want me to, like some people I have chosen to leave behind did.
My life is still and will always be the sum of my decisions, whether they be wrong or right. At least I have the right to make them. Depression, BPD, etc. gives no one the right to evacuate my life of privacy and does not make investigating my every move permissible. It still is and will always be my life. I exist even without you as you do without me.
Flaws & All, Part 2
So I believed the best although I knew the worst. Don't they say you may know better but not do better?
The tragedy really lies in denial. When everyone said it wasn't any good for me, and it was proven right, I hung on, not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. I felt like I'd had enough heart break for a lifetime so I didn't want to walk away even when SO many said I should.
Flaws & All, Part 1
But I missed the more complex application. When she says "tell" you, she doesn't actually mean speech. A person may not tell you with his or her words who he or she is. Most people simply aren't that honest with themselves or the network of people around them to tell you who they are with their words.
They may give you generic and empty descriptions like "kind" or "thoughtful" or "intelligent" or "outspoken". Those adjectives are subjective. What I consider to be "thoughtful" or "intelligent" may be much different from the definitions another person has. So how, really is anyone any of those aforementioned things?
Of course, there are universal consensus about kindness and humanity and respect. We all agree murder is generally wrong. The difference in opinion come with the subtlies in details, not the big picture.
Nonetheless, rarely is a person emotionally equipped to tell who they really are. His or her true character is revealed in tests. The situations of one's0 life will test and provoke a response and the sum total of those responses will reveal who that person really is.
I missed that. I understand now, but I missed it. I saw someone based on what I heard. I trusted what I heard and overlooked what I saw.