...homey, I'm the president, governor, and mayor / I control everything

I went on a date yesterday evening and it went very well. Believe it or not, it was only the second real date I have had in my life. I have been out with gentlemen before, of course, but typically with gentlemen I am already somehow entangled with. The date did not begin the "courtship" (because if I told you what was really going on in these other entanglements, you'd realize I'm sort of a fool).
I met the gentleman on whom I went on this date at a club performance. It was the American debut of a Sierra Leonean artist (Vida, who did not do well) and fellow Sierra Leoneans and other Africans came to support her.
He asked me out and we went to dinner yesterday. It was a cute, casual thing. He picked me up and met my brother Richard. We couldn't decide what to do for a few minutes. We had not really discussed the night's activities but we just wanted to meet up. So we ended up going to Applebee's (because I couldn't figure out where Chili's was).
We had very good conversation. He asked me a lot about myself and I sure did talk a lot about myself. I told him that I am (pseudo)self absorbed and he laughed at me. Next date though, I am going to make sure he talks more.
He was very chivalric, opening all the doors but not annoying. Chivraly gets strangely annoying. It is difficult to explain, but some will know what I mean. He was casually considerate and not overwhelmingly chivalric.
And my favorite: he is out of that t-shirt and jeans phase. He wore jeans, a simply decorated white button up
and a light tan sweater overtop topped off with an adorable, plaid Kangol hat. It was very much of a grown man swag. I don't mind the jeans, the t-shirt, the kicks get-up, but that has to stop at some point, or it at least can't be his exclusive wardrobe. It becomes extremely problematic for me when he is still sporting such a wardrobe after the age of 30 (which is typically my dating demographic).
His other qualifications: he is liberal. He is educated. He is African (not from Sierra Leone but...that could be overlooked). He is handsome. He is not too "touchie-feelie", which is plus 50 points because I am not very affectionate at all. I have my times, but they are not often. I'll show my love other ways. (Strangely though, I am quite affectionate with friends and family, but almost wholly anti-affectionate with menfolk). He has the basics as well: his own car and residence. I would drool over the car, but I don't want folks calling me a gold digger (He has a beautiful, beautiful, clean, magnificent, orgasmic, awesome black Range Rover, of what year I am not sure, but am enamored none the less. It is my dream car which is why I am so excited and not so much because it indicates that he has money, although it kind of does because it is quite an expensive car to maintain. It's just awesome that I get to ride in a Range Rover, good Lord).
It was a simple, nice, normal evening. I don't have many such experiences with menfolk and it was so refreshing. It was exciting. It was cute.
I type all that to say this: I like him.
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