I like using this small font. I don't know why exactly but it is much more aesthetic to me. The blog entries I write tend to be rather long and somehow a smaller font seems to consolidate the chaos.
Today is the day after September 11th and I was trying to remember what I was doing, what I noticed, what was going on around me on September 12, 2001. I was 14 at the time and the only thing I can really recall is that my Mom did not want us to tell people that we were Muslim and she would not let us go outside. That was annoying but having grown up, I realize what she was trying to do and I understand.
I remember it took a while before school went back to normal and freshman year of high school ended up being the longest year of my high school career for some reason.
I thought it was interesting that although I forgot that it was the seventh anniversary of the attacks, my blog entry on this particular blog was about planes (be they paper) and democracy (about home life). I didn't mean for that to happen, but once I realized that it was 9/11, it struck me as an unconscious attempt to remind myself. Read Magic Woman if you want to know what I currently think about the whole anniversary, consequent war, and all that.
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