...he's been through some things and I'm thinkin' he could really use a friend / in my mind...
Clearly, this is a rather racist advertisement (and it is a real American Apparel advertisement). Aside from the fact that it is racist though, it is striking, just aesthetically.
But...what the hell?
Who's idea was this and what is the point of it? What are they advertising exactly? I know that clothes are being advertised but the advertisement has to have the ability to connect the image to the product and make it relevant to the consumer's life. I don't feel like this advertisement is doing any of those things.
Still, while I am mad about the racist content I am stunned, a little, by how beautiful this is. That is a little disturbing that I am offended and mesmerized at the same time.
And who let their daughter pose for this? I assume they must not have noticed the racist overtones bleeding from the page. At least, so I hope, otherwise the tragedy is doubled in size.
I found this image looking for something about Black people in the media for an entry on my other blog and I had to use it. But it was so amazing that I had to comment on it separately. It is rather unbelievable that this is an advertisement is of the 21st century, because I thought racism was extinct. Just kidding.
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