...Un pour tous et tous pour un...
Why we even have wars, I cannot understand. In all the history I have taken, no war has ever seemed just or necessary or the best/only option.
War seems to be a hyperbolic manifestation of compromised human ego and declaration of economic or poliltical superiority.
I hesitate to include WWI and WWII in this categorization, but in the most rudimentary of analyses, they both do fit into the aforementioned description. Granted, on a more sophisticated and complicated level, WWI and WWII were more about world preservation than ego tripping, but there is something unnerving about what happened in the world during and because of these two wars
Nonetheless, these wars that we all learn about or discuss, agree with or criticize, were fought by real human beings, real people, some who lost their lives, some who lost their minds, and some who came back generally incomplete. These are real people.
Yet we discuss them and live our lives as if they are just concepts, as if they were intangible, as if they were not real. But they are and they suffer. They risk their lives for the freedoms of the country and they return to a system that is slow and sometimes totally unhelpful. They are homeless, they cannot get complete healthcare, they lose their jobs, and they are lost in paperwork and apathy.
How is this possible? Of course, there are those who throw their lives away no matter what help they are given, as is true with any group of people in any system, but the system is also insufficient.
I do not think that the United States of America means to ignore the needs of, mistreat, or take for granted the veterans and their sacrifice. I think that the problems of veterans are a product of the general individualistic culture Americans subscribe to. This country, with all its rights, qualities, justices, beauties, and fairness is also a country that does not encourage community the way others around the world do. Maybe because we are so rich, we do not need the close interconnectedness of communities in other countries (because even the poorest of this nation are better off than those in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and everywhere else really).But I think it is the biggest failure of American culture. We ignore one another. We do not care about one another. When a group needs help, we label it the new red label, "socialism". But what the hell is wrong with socialism? Socialism does not mean unending help for nothing. It is supposed to help people maintain while they strengthen in order to provide for themselves. What is wrong with that? That's a different blog altogether.
If you don't want to take care of the poor, the teenaged moms, the sick, or the disabled, please at least take care of those who fight to give you the right to complain about who you do and don't want your tax dollars spent on.
So are you saying that the Civil War was unnecessary to? To me war is a very very extreme solution to any problem and should avoided at all cost but, given the easily corruptible morale of many humans, some sort of violence seems necessary. It is inconceivable that a human could think it was correct to own another person and do the things they did to them. It's very enraging really... but for a person to be that reprobate(I think that's a good word for it..correct me if i'm wrong) reconciling with them seems to be a taxing uphill battle. Yea, you can preach to them until your blue in the face about how wrong it is, but I feel they won't budge. So, taking extreme actions seems to be the only choice, because I feel they will take you seriously, and change. It really sucks that people have to die in the process, but because there are people in this world who choose to be impossible, sacrifices have to be made. And to enliven my opinion, i'll submit this example: parents beating their children... granted these are two very different dynamics, but I believe the premise is the same. Oh... and to add to this before any war should be considered, ALLLLLL the facts should be known, and no other alternative will not work. I do not believe America takes this imperative critical thinking time before sending out the troops...so yea.
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