...it's a new day / I'm not afraid anymore...
I woke up for Yoga this morning at 8am. Showered. Made a small breakfast. I abhor waking up early in the morning but I suppose I am a "morning person" for my energy level rises to normal level rather quickly.
I have made a pact to exercise more will power and discipline this year. I have extended this to mean I must wake up early in the morning and be productive each day as early as I can.
I have not been waking up for Yoga because I stay up late to study. Not following the healthy schedule.
So I was able to do it today and Yoga was at 8am not at 9. I am not sure if it is because it is raining and ugly, because I am still living under my chronic melancholy, or what but I was VERY upset about it.
I feel as though I have lost control of my life. I therefore try to maintain it in even the smallest areas that I can. I clearly schedule every hour of my day because my time is all that I own and control.
As I walked home, I cried about a lot of things. This is the prayer I sent to God, not as humbly as I should have, but as honest as I am infamous for:
Sometimes I feel like You push me too hard
Sometimes I don't understand why You made me this way
Soemtimes I feel like I can't wait for the morning to come
And for Your blessing to wake me
Sometimes I feel as though You are not listening
Sometimes I feel like my tears are meaningless
As the cheeks they run down
Sometimes I feel like I'm too dramatic
But that just reminds me that I don't understand
Why You made me this way
Most of the time, I don't doubt You because my belief,
My faith is all that I have.
I am still alive and that is all the proof I have that You are alive
Waking up, sometimes, is all the testimony I have
Most of the time I cling to You like nothing else
Because I learned that you don't know that all you need is God
Until all You have is God.
And all I have is God.
I don't have a thing in the world to give anyone
I don't have a maternal hand to stroke my head when I feel the most defeated
And I don't have a tissue absorbant enough to catch all my tears
Which is why I don't release every tear my heart feels it needs to shed
And I don't have a paternal hand of encouragement to rub my back
When the weight of my sadness is too heavy.
But he is a father to the fatherless and a mother to motherless
So let the Devil know that your encouraged.
I hope God isn't mad. And I don't think He is. We all doubt Him and from what I understand, He expects us to. Smart people, critical thinkers, intellectuals write theses to discredit Him, but I don't think He gets offended. He gave us the talent to do so.
People have told me, "Zainab, I don't understand why you believe in God. You're so smart." As if to say only stupid people believe in God. And I do doubt things in the Bible. I don't believe in the story of Adam and Eve. But I know what I have seen and endured. I should not be alive to type this blog but I am and ain't enough luck in the world to have kept me alive.
Besides the doctrines and hard-to-believe-stories, anti-Semitism, persecution of homosexuals, church denominations, hypocrisy, hateful evangelists, my pending degree in science, my inclination to turn to science, and other controversial subject about Christianity, I have just been through some things I should not have survived, so God is as real to me as the keys I am typing on.
The bible is definitely something that should be doubted. There are so many discrepancies in that thing it's crazy. I don't understand how people could believe so heavily in it and actually believe they can live every day of their lives by it. God is good though.
That poem.....love it.
Thank you very much. It's refreshing that a person understands that you can love God and doubt religion at the same time.
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