We have again re-entered the 30th Century as of January 26, 2009. He called me as I was making my nutritious dinner and watching the news.
I returned upstairs to view a missed called from...30th Century Man. I smiled like one who has had her sold soul restored by a sheepish, bitter devil.
I called him back and spoke to his voicemail (even though I hate when people leave me voicemails). He called me right back and we talked. He sounded a little disappointed that I did not call him during his whole vacation but I had lost the number. I thought about him often though (although I dare not tell him that). I think he forgave me.
I cannot even really remember the conversation but I was happy to hear his voice on the other line and know that I could call him whenever I felt.
I am not going to outline any plans or expectations or anticipations here. Writing my heart's literature is akin to publishing the future and if the future does not happen like the literature has recorded...I will be highly disappointed.
So I shonuff will keep this manuscript under lock and key, only read in the dark, basement office of my giddy girlhood, and only once in a while. But, this is me admitting that I have high hopes and expectations. I am simply not listing them. Things make too much sense when written and documented. I will keep them hazy and undefined for right now.
As a teaser though, I am hoping he is indomitable competition for Mr. Jones.
Shaken, not stirred and Taken, not single.
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