...come close to me baby / let your love shine through...
I have inadvertently developed a semi-serious addiction to 7/11's cupcake cappuccino. I also add about half a cup of regular coffee to it for an extra kick, two shakes of amaretto flavored cream, and 5 packs of regular sugar.
It is not a game. It tastes really, really good. I hate the taste of coffee and no matter how much regular coffee you add to this cappuccino, it's cupcakery goodness remains intact.
My auntie in Delaware developed a serious addiction to coffee in the last year. When she, her husband, and my cousin visited, she bullied my Dad into going to Wawa to get her some one morning and I reprimanded her, disgusted.
Now, on any given day, you can catch me at the 7/11 on Main Street, scratching my neck, very irritable, standing in some long line (because all the 7/11's all up in through this campus ALWAYS only have one cashier), waiting to pay for my coffee/cappuccino concoction.
And the crash afterwards is not enough to discourage me. I can barely walk back to the apartment from the library after hours of studying and the devastating effects of the coffee crash. But I would rather die than give up the addiction.
Additionally, I feel like an adult now. I do believe it is arbitrary things like drinking coffee, falling asleep sitting totally erect in waiting rooms, joints cracking while doing simple activities, tiring at the idea of going out, etc. that makes you an adult. Not actual responsibilities.
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