Artists are the chosen people because to be an artist does not rest solely on what and how much one produces. It is more a state of mind manifested in the decisions one makes in life. Artists are 'strange' on the conventional spectrum of normalcy.
They see the beauteousness in what is commonly wretched or messy or inconsistent.
They are emotional beyond the line of absurdity. While he or she artist may not cry or blow up and such, the intensity of anything they feel is a symptom of their artistry. Because, the intensity felt may have nothing to do with art, but the artistry of tha human being is completely inseparable from everything in his or her life. Relationships, loves, hobbies, obligations, flaws, self esteem, favorite songs, favorite foods, and everything, everything, are somehow connected together to make the one big, ultimate art piece that is a human's artistry.
Artists are strange people. True artists are simply crazy. So my dearet Kholi, she too is torn between her electronic art (blogging) and her timeless, conventional, but contemporary art (writing with the hand). I almost said to her and myself (as I suffer this same torment) that blogging can replace writing in a tangible journal.
That triggered this blog. Then my purple Rubbermaid box full of all my old journals opened up and a few journals popped up. They clamored and cried and pretty much cussed me out. My journal from the fifth grade said, in a quivering voice, "You don't remember how you felt when you wrote? You don't remember that when no one else listened, we did? When you wanted to be really honest, you wrote in us. These blogs, these blogs are interesting, but they are inherently contrived. You have an audience for which your are writing. Your honesty is, by virtue, compromised. We will always be true."
Damn wise journals. So, Kholi, Zainab, other artists torn, remain torn. Remain in the two pieces, three pieces, four pieces and maintain all the venues of art. You must.
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