The Tudors is back. I should have some grievance with the show, as it is full of White people and celebrates the people of the world who colonized and ravaged the brown continents. But the show is too interesting. History was never this captivating when under the burden of overpriced, underwritten textbooks of my secondary education.
To think, that lust, or possibly unbelievable carnal desire, or a thirst to own a woman, initiated and successfully fueled a religious division that warranted implications for generations to come.
But it is unnerving. The women are disposable. The women are not really humans but recepticles for male fulfilment, nourishing houses for future generations, trophies, mechanisms for political control, currency. I am a feminist, that should bother me, and it does, but it resonates as sexy too.
The Sopranos too have renewed their slot in my life. I remember when I sadly but excitedly awaited the ending, which I was disgustingly disappointed by. I have renewed that same excitement.
It is my imaginary life. I do not like this one He gave me, as of right now, so I live it another way. I get to be Henry VIII's second queen and Tony's well-intentioned, spoiled wife (sometimes his mistress).
Maggiano's would do me so much justice right now. You have no idea.
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