Monday, 02.18.08
It is a solid Monday morning. It is the type of morning that we often refer to as ‘last night’ because the situations seem to be reserved to the day that they began. It started on Sunday night and although it continued into Monday, Sunday owns it.
Having several blogs has proven to be a little taxing. Some blogs are neglected as I cultivate and nourish another one. They are organized thematically, although I am not able to adequately explain their different themes, I can feel when something belongs in a particular blog.
My Word Processor does not recognize the word ‘blog’.
I fear that you blogs are replacing my actual journal. I do not write in the same manner here like in my journal, as I use names and far more specific details in my tangible journals, but they take away the currency I spend on my journal and monopolize it for their own gain. I spend my creative currency on cultivation of some aspect of the blogs.
Well anyway, that is one of the smallest mistakes I am making.
My favorite mistake:
Me: I wanna knw sumthn.
Him: Whats that?
Intoxicated Pause
Him Again: Whats that u wanna knw?
Me: Is this just yours?
No Response [Interpreted in my mind to be: Bitch, don’t ask stupid questions. I don't want you]
It is a good thing that I am used to being a fool, otherwise this mistake would not be so sweet. I am going to meditate. I almost typed masturbate…Jesus, take the wheel.
That Lint Licker
i thought i was the only one who recognized my blog is taking away from my journaling ... it's a sad sad thing.
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