... it's just one of them days / that a girl goes through / when i'm angry inside / don't wanna take it out on you / it's just one of them days / don't take it personal / i just wanna be all alone...
I have a confession. I created a twitter account...and I love it. I am not sure what twitter's appeal is, even though I am using it, but I am a little addicted.
I even configured my phone to be able to text twitter an update that will show up online without actually having to go online using my phone, although I can if I want to. Dope, huh?
Twitter is interesting to me because I like reading the random thoughts people have. What one says on twitter is without parameter so people "tweet" random existential questions, observations, opinions, wishes, etc. It is quite interesting.
I follow CNN and NPRnews on twitter which is great. I get little snipbits of information about particular issues or occurrences with links to a more explanatory site.
Tweeting is very much of a guilty pleasure for me. I have been complaining of late how technology is taking over my life and making me anxious. Between texting, email, and phone calls coming through my phone, I feel tied down to something. Every time I move, my phone must be accounted for so as not to miss anyone trying to reach me. I am a slave to the thing.
I have to be 100% available 100% of the time. If you don't answer a person in a timely manner, you must be dying.
But really, I just don't want to be that available. When the phone goes off, I almost always check it of course, as some situations are more pressing than others. When a friend is having less than satisfactory day, we converse and I provide encouragement.
And I feel so bad. I feel obligated to answer and respond all the time, so as not to offend anyone or neglect anyone or skip out on my responsibilities.
I almost want to get another phone number and only give it to the people that I don't mind texting, emailing, talking to...the people who don't make me nervous...so that I can turn the other phone off and enjoy silence and peace of mind.
I can't wait to visit Sierra Leone and leave all electronics behind and live in the quiet we have disrupted with technology.